Krista's French 10 Work!
Vendredi aprés midi je suis allé un fete de Megan. Nous allons de la natation exterieur.  La piscine était chauffe! Je me suis couché tard parce que j’ai regarde mon emission preferé, Gossip Girl avec mes amis. Samedi  et dimanche j’ai rigolé avec mes amis. 

I'm a strong believer in trying new things in order to gain knowledge, and experiences. Everyone is unique, and we all have different learning styles. To be honest, exploring these new tools was not the best experience for me, but some of you might learn well using these sites, so I'm sharing my experience. 

Exploring Lang-8

     I did not have any issues with using Lang-8 for the first time. I am quickly finding that a good portion of our assignments where we try new programs or sites involves creating a new account for that program, which I find bothersome, but in today's world nothing comes free. Smart businesses provide free trials and send you emails in an attempt to get their users to purchase the "pro" version of their tools with updated features and such. 
     Once I created an account, Lang-8 took me through a series of steps. I created a profile with a brief description of myself in French, which I then translated into English. With my first post I continued to type a description of myself in French which I translated to English. I think that this is a good program to practice translations and your writing skills. In order for this program to be effective you must make "friends". These friends can help you make more accurate translations. I can also help these friends translate their work.
     I don't really like the idea of strangers editing my work. However, if my entire class was on this site and we all became friends and took class time to edit each other's work, I think this program could be beneficial. I like the idea of learning through my peers as opposed to editing a strangers work.
     In comparison to some of the other sites I have used in the past with Mr. Mark, such as Quizzlet and Duolingo, I feel like those personally had more benefits for me. I was interested in those sites because they captivated me. There are games and friendly competition with Duolingo, and with Quizzlet I feel like I am really studying. It's still early, and I've only used Lang-8 once, so after a few more tries, I might end up liking it.
     In conclusion, it's not one of my favourite French- learning programs, nor is it what I expected, but I think if used in a certain way, it could benefit my class.

I was super excited when I went home to find that people actually corrected my work.

Exploring Anki

I was unable to visit Anki because of some technical difficulties. With Anki, it is necessary to download the Anki program in order to use it. Because my class is using school computers, in order to save something or download a file, we must change it's location to our "H" drive. My classmates did not realize this until about half way through the class. By the time we got the program downloaded the class was almost over, and when I opened the file, there was just a blank box. I feel like I can't really review this program as I haven't actually used it, however because it took so long to download and once it was downloaded I couldn't open it, I would have to say that this program would not be the best program to use for a French class. 
Vendredi aprés l'école je voluntaire à l'hôpital avec mes amis. Bien sur nous était juste un peu advance. Samedi aprés midi, je suis allé chez Olivia et j'ai rigolé avec mes amis. Nous regardons, l'émmision Pretty Little Liars. C'était l'émmision policier. Je me suis couché tard. Dimanche je suis allé ma tante chez pour action de grâces. Lundi j'ai fait mes devoirs de sciences et j'ai étudié mathématiques. 
I narrated my journal using Sound Cloud. It's super easy, but just in case you have some difficulties, my friend has taken the liberty to type out a simple guide! Here's a link to her page.  
Mardi le un octobre deux mille treize
     Vendredi aprés l'école, J'ai fait des courses, avec ma amie Dani, parce que ma mére et mon pére voyage a Cuba. Samedi soir J'ai fait mes devoir de sciences. Il est n'ai pas difficile. Naturlement J'était vraiment heureux. Lundi aprés midi, Je suis alé chez Megan et J'ai rigolé avec mes amis. Nous regardons "Crazy Stupid Love". C'était amusante et chouette. 

lundi le vingt-trois septembre deux mille trieze

     Vendredei aprés l'ecole Je voluntaire a Dufferin, avec ma amie, Olivia. Naturlement nous était vraiment avance. Samedi aprés midi J'ai fait mes devoirs de sciences. Il est juste un peu difficile. Samedi soir, J'ai regardé mon émission préféré sur Netflix. Son nome est "How I met Your Mother". Il est trés amusante. Dimanche aprés midi Je suis allé chez Dani et J'ai rigolé avec mes amis. 
Lundi, le seize septembre deux mille treize

    Vendredi aprés midi, Je voluntaire le hopital aprés l'ecole. J'était vraiment avance. Je rigolé passé le temps avec mes amis. Je chanté à le hospital. Samedi après midi J’ai fait église avec ma famille. Je regretted parce que nous avons juste un peu retard. Samedi soir, Je regarde “Life Unexpected”.  C’était mignon. Dimanche J’ai étudié pour la science.


    Je vais poster revues sur cette page.
    I will post my journals on this page.



Le Travil Français de Krista